Daily Schedule and Visual Schedue
The daily schedules are prepared with intentionality to accommodate and guide children by helping them know what activity comes next and to set expectations for each activity.
The schedules meet children where they are developmentally, socially, academically and support their overall learning of what they know, what they want to learn and how they will learn. It is comprised of a sequence of events outlining a typical day for children in our care that is predictable and consistent. Schedules may be adjusted and modified to align with the curriculum associated with learning domains in the areas of Science, Math, Language and Literacy, Spanish, Social Studies, Arts, Music, Physical Indoor and Outdoor Play (as weather permits) for up to 2 hours divided in segments for morning and afternoon activities, with balance transitioning from active to quiet times, large and small group activities, both child-directed time and teacher-initiated and directed times. The Schedule may be adjusted due to variations in the daily events and needs of children.
BBLC Curriculum
Blooming Buds Learning Center believes strongly in the continued enrichment of students beyond the classroom. We recognized the individual abilities and uniqueness of each child we serve; we promote a learning environment that develops and supports their interest. We also embrace internal and external support services tailored to meet the needs of all children in our care.
Our community classrooms are inviting, interactive and engaging. It consists of compassionate staff, teachers, and children who care for each other by displaying mutual respect and positive relationships. This practice help staff make purposeful decisions that are responsive to the wellbeing and transitions of children. With proper health and safety screening plan in effect, we maintain an open-door policy to welcome parents to our facility who pass our screening test.
BBLC encourages family engagement, and involvement in their children’s learning. We welcome suggestions from parents about the best ways we can partner and collaborate with them, in a way that will help their children reach their full potential and become successful.
Preschool Curriculum (3-,4-, and 5-year-old)
The Investigator Club Curriculum is utilized to facilitate learning at BBLC. It is recognized as a stem-based educational curriculum, with extensive research of studies about early childhood. The Investigator Club aligns with the (NAEYC) definition of Developmentally Appropriate Practice, “a framework designed to promote young children’s optimal learning and development”.
Two-Year-Old & Toddler Curriculum
Twos and Toddlers are curious and natural learners. Their learning usually occurs through caregiving, imitation, hands-on free play, cause, and effect of activities based on their interest and lead. The Creative Curriculum used is recognized as a theory-based educational curriculum, with 75 years of extensive research of studies about early childhood.
Copies of a child’s plan will be requested by BBLC to help guide staff, special education and early intervention specialist or service provider in working appropriately with families/children to support and help them meet their individual goals for a positive outcome. Children with individualized education plan will be reviewed quarterly with parents to assess and reevaluate based on their needs and progress.
Young children are growing up in a world that is shifting to digital devices with technology and interactive media which are increasingly becoming the tools and culture of home, work, and school. BBLC will incorporate technology that will encompass and enhance the use of computer in its curriculum as developmentally appropriate. Based on concerns whether young children should have access to technology and exposure to screen media in early childhood programs, with guidance, BBLC will harness the use of various technologies, tools for creative learning, and interactive media. This may optimize opportunities in early childhood development as it pertains to children’s linguistic, cognitive, social, emotional, and physical competence.