Children’s Learning and Development

Toddlers – Two Years Old (Tulips)
Children use of language, communication, and understanding, varies widely during their developmental milestones. Our trained and qualified staff nurture, and support children with individual differences and diversity. BBLC embrace emergent literacy during children’s years of life, as they learn words and various language development, to not only express what they think, feel, or imagine, but how best to meet their personal and social needs in the community in which they live.

Uses two syllable words.
Respond appropriately to understanding of familiar words.
Demonstrates walking and running skills with speed and change of direction. Open book, turn pages one at a time. Imitate and scribbles with crayons. Develop awareness of body and own space, climb, walk and slide using creative movements.
Engages in unstructured play and physical activities 60-120 minutes daily. Demonstrates interest in self-help skills, feeds self, use personal care objects with and without assistance.
Imitates adults and initiates role play. Wants to take care of self, recognizes own accomplishments.
Tests limits and strives for independence. Play side by side to other children, communicates with other children and preference for playmates.

Read to child daily.
Talk with child using diverse vocabulary as much as possible.
Provide safe materials and equipment for child to run, jump, climb and throw.
Provide supplies, materials, and opportunities for child to scribble with crayons, markers, and chalk.
Provide opportunities for physical activities using large and small muscles, play experiences and modeling engaging all the senses.
Provide calming moments offering daily naps and rest periods.
Provide guidance for child to be responsible for own personal belongings.
Recognize culturally based personal care practices used by families to promote interdependence. Provide trust, security, be sensitive, responsive, and emotionally available to children through nurturing relationships.
Provide safe environment to actively explore new tasks.
Balance limits with appropriate and varied choices. Respond to child verbal and nonverbal communication, emotional and physical needs. Understand and show empathy.
Provide play opportunities for children to play with each other from own and other cultural backgrounds regularly. Facilitate cross-cultural skill development to support interdependence.